We help parents discover important information and resources to raise happy, successful kids.

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Independent readers develop a broad vocabulary, better comprehension skills, and an increased understanding of the world. Help your child get off to a great start.

Help your kids learn to love reading.

How to Talk to Kids About Puberty

Before you know it, your little baby will be entering a stage in life when his or her body is developing into a young adult. While we all know it's a natural, normal part of life, parents often feel awkward and uncomfortable explaining to their sons and daughters what is [...]

By |12/20/2022|Books, Child Development, Emotional Intelligence|

For Parents of Tweens & Teens

Many parents would agree it can be difficult to understand kids as they near adolescence. But it's not impossible to recognize and then understand what tweens and teens are experiencing. They have increased academic challenges, physical changes, new schools and peers, and greater competition across their extracurricular activities. We [...]

By |04/15/2021|Emotional Intelligence, Social Skills|

Prepare for the SAT: Study Multiple-Meaning Words

Students who aim to achieve a high SAT score should develop their knowledge of vocabulary. Understanding the definition is an important factor, but how words fit into the context of a written passage is the key. Understand Meaning of Words Based on Context Words with multiple-meanings are incorporated into [...]

By |07/28/2022|Academic Excellence|

Volunteering Propels Psychological Well-Being

An interview-based study in India explored self-perceived linkages between well-being and volunteering. Individuals engaged in long-term volunteering indicated positive development in terms of mental health and general physical health, as well as strengthened social connections. Further, volunteers on long-term assignments experienced higher levels of self-acceptance, sense of engagement, and [...]

By |06/13/2022|Characteristics of Success|

Recommended Workbooks to Help Kids Excel at Math

Help your children succeed throughout the school year by supplementing their curriculum lessons. Math practice and repetition is essential for strengthening a fundamental understanding and memory of math facts. These top workbooks engage kids with easy-to-follow lessons, colorful illustrations, and clear guidance. Addition & Subtraction Workbook for [...]

By |12/15/2022|Academic Excellence, Books, The Right Stuff|

Math Resources for Top Students

Motherly Life is committed to helping parents find important information to help them raise happy, successful kids. In this post, we provide a great list of resources aimed at helping students learn and excel at mathematics. From flashcards to worksheets to the leading math competitions in the nation, this [...]

By |09/09/2022|Academic Excellence, Resources|

How to React if Your Child Dislikes the Teacher

It's a difficult time when you realize your child has been upset at school. And it can be tough to find out what really happened. Children have limited vocabularies and often make generic statements like "the teacher wasn't nice." To find out more, act like a reporter, advocate for [...]

By |11/08/2022|Academic Excellence, Emotional Intelligence|

Top Toys to Help Children Prepare for Elementary School

Help your children prepare for their first year in elementary school. These amazing toys are engaging, interactive and fun for kids. They are also loved by parents because of the underlying educational themes. These toys and books help young children learn to recognize numbers, count, write, recite the alphabet, [...]

By |10/14/2022|Academic Excellence, Books, The Right Stuff|

Mothers’ Tips For Raising Kids Who Succeed

While the measures of success vary from person to person, certain traits are common among successful people. Help your kids build a solid foundation for achieving their individual goals as well as a lifetime of happiness and mental wellness. Help your kids develop inherent kindness and build self-confidence Kindness. [...]

By |05/23/2022|Characteristics of Success|

Do Your Kids Get Too Much Screen Time

Screen habits begin at an early age. Parents should take notice of how much time their children spend using a digital device. Stats Show Children Spend Substantial Time in Front of Screens The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no screen time for babies and toddlers and limit time to [...]

How to Raise Resilient Kids

Children's lives are not stress-free. Many kids are in school for up to 8 hours a day, plus time in extracurricular activities. They meet new friends in new environments and interact with many adults throughout the school day. Kids study problem sets, take tests, and follow a schedule that [...]

What is a Youth Travel Team

When kids show potential and an interest in playing sports at a highly competitive level, parents should understand both the opportunities as well as the sacrifices involved with participating in youth travel teams. Youth Sports Travel Teams Explained A travel team is comprised of young athletes who show significant [...]

By |08/18/2022|Athletic Achievement|

Great Books to Help Children Begin the New School Year

The start of a new school year brings out lots of emotions. Your child will meet new teachers and new friends, and for some a new town and a whole new school. We compiled a list of great books to read with your elementary school aged children as they [...]

By |08/01/2022|Academic Excellence, Books|

Our 22 Favorite Books for Kids Aged 0 – 4

As parents think about how to set their children on a path toward success, reading should be a priority. It's a critical component of daily life, from a simple task list, to navigating road signs, to negotiating the purchase contract on a new home. As a young student, children [...]

By |09/01/2022|Academic Excellence, Books|

Summer Activities That Help Kids Prepare for School

Simple actions can lead to great success. This is particularly true when it comes to helping kids learn. Undemanding academic practice without grade consequences can lay the foundation for a great start to the new school year. TABLE OF CONTENTS Develop vocabulary, creative thinking, and [...]

By |07/13/2022|Academic Excellence|

Help Your Kids Learn to Love Reading

Leisure reading makes a difference in children's educational performance. Independent readers develop a broad vocabulary, better comprehension skills, and increased understanding of the world. Help your child get off to a great start. Read aloud to your child. Talk about the characters, pictures and words. [...]

By |09/01/2022|Academic Excellence|

Reading Fosters Higher Intelligence

A Kid Learns to Read Then Reads to Learn It’s simple, reading is a critical component of daily life. From understanding food ingredients and managing bills to crafting a detailed board presentation, reading is a key factor of success. Early reading to young children sets a foundation [...]

Make Your Failure a Success

How To Have a Really Successful Failure is a publication for In The College Years, a collection of essays and other materials from the Bureau of Study Counsel at Harvard University. We recommend sharing the publication with your kids, particularly as they start thinking about and applying to college. [...]

By |10/09/2022|Characteristics of Success|

Kids Benefit from Chess Beyond Just Winning a Game

Chess is a game of strategy. It requires a player to make a series of decisions that are influenced by their opponent's possible moves. Kids who play chess learn to plan ahead and assess their options, improve concentration and enhance their visual memory. Tactics used in chess develops logic [...]

By |07/28/2022|Characteristics of Success|
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