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Independent readers develop a broad vocabulary, better comprehension skills, and an increased understanding of the world. Help your child get off to a great start.

Reading Fosters Higher Intelligence

A Kid Learns to Read Then Reads to Learn It’s simple, reading is a critical component of daily life. From understanding food ingredients and managing bills to crafting a detailed board presentation, reading is a key factor of success. Early reading to young children sets a foundation [...]

Do Your Kids Get Too Much Screen Time

Screen habits begin at an early age. Parents should take notice of how much time their children spend using a digital device. Stats Show Children Spend Substantial Time in Front of Screens The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no screen time for babies and toddlers and limit time to [...]

Kids Benefit from Chess Beyond Just Winning a Game

Chess is a game of strategy. It requires a player to make a series of decisions that are influenced by their opponent's possible moves. Kids who play chess learn to plan ahead and assess their options, improve concentration and enhance their visual memory. Tactics used in chess develops logic [...]

By |07/28/2022|Characteristics of Success|
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