Credit: Urbanity Dance

Detailed Information

Urbanity Dance is a nonprofit arts organization that inspires, engages and empowers individuals and communities through the art of dance and movement. Summer classes are designed for students between the ages of one (must be walking) and 17.

Dancers can participate in a variety of styles from contemporary and ballet to hip hop and improvisation. The school offers a flexible registration, allowing participants to register for the week or weeks that fit their schedule.

There are classes available for all ages and levels:

  • Baby Walkers. The youngest dancers will be assisted by their caregivers and introduced to music, instruments and props, developing basic motor skills, range of motion and socialization.
  • Toddler Moves. Assisted by caregivers, little dancers will develop social skills, focus, musicality, balance, and coordination.
  • Summer Grove. Students aged 4-5 will participate without parent participation to explore creative movement through a blend of styles, from ballet, hip hop and yoga techniques.
  • Discovery Dance I and II. The half-day programs work on various dance techniques. Students build strength, flexibility, musicality, and teamwork.
  • Beginner – Advanced Bootcamps. These two-hour and three-hour programs meet twice weekly and focus and four techniques: ballet, contemporary, hip hop and jazz.
  • Summer Dance Lab. A two-week full day intensive style program for dancers aged 12-17 trains students through choreographed instruction.

Financial Assistance

Financial assistance is available by application in a variety of options, from waived fees to full scholarships. Contact the school for an application and submission deadline dates.

Middle School
High School
Day Camps
Extended Hours
Financial Assistance
Nut Safe/Free
Rates (Average / Day)
< $100
Rates reflect the average cost per full day for comparison purposes only.

Contact Information
1180 Washington Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02118

Each camp profile is provided for informational purposes only and is current as of the date published or updated. Motherly Life does not represent or warrant information provided herein. Please contact the camp directly to confirm current services and rates.


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